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Click on the images below to view colour charts and more information and to specify your colour choice

Gumnut Yarns threads are spun from completely natural fibres - silk, wool and mohair, then hand dyed to create over 1200 unique shaded colours. There are six threads in the range - Blossoms, Buds, Stars, Daisies, Poppies and Tulips.

Although the same formulas are repeated, each dye lot of Gumnut Yarns is unique. Some variation may therefore occur, adding greater creativity to your finished embroidery. We suggest that you carefully calculate the quantity required when purchasing threads and allow a little extra.

Gumnut Yarns threads are not guaranteed colourfast and while we rarely have problems with our colours running, we suggest that if washing your embroidery, do so in tepid water.

Please note that hot water, steam and most detergents/cleaning agents may reactivate the dye and cause bleeding.

Colour charts reproduced with permission of Gumnut Yarns

Sub Categories
Gumnut Yarns Crewel Wool BLOSSOMSGumnut Yarns Fine Wool DAISIESGumnut Yarns Kid Mohair TULIPSGumnut Yarns Perle Silk BUDS
Gumnut Yarns Crewel Wool BLOSSOMS

Gumnut Yarns Fine Wool DAISIES

Gumnut Yarns Kid Mohair TULIPS

Gumnut Yarns Perle Silk BUDS

Gumnut Yarns Silk/Wool POPPIESGumnut Yarns Stranded Silk STARS
Gumnut Yarns Silk/Wool POPPIES

Gumnut Yarns Stranded Silk STARS

Gumnut Yarns

Sort By
Gumnut Yarns Perle Silk BUDS - 297
Gumnut Yarns Perle Silk BUDS - 365
Gumnut Yarns Perle Silk BUDS - 367
Gumnut Yarns Perle Silk BUDS - 554
Gumnut Yarns Perle Silk BUDS - 603
Gumnut Yarns Perle Silk BUDS - 608
Gumnut Yarns Perle Silk BUDS - 961


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