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DO BEARS - Long Dog Samplers
Chart only. Stitch Count: 297 x 274 stitches

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Throughout the 17th Century Dutch samplers, particularly those from the provinces of Groningen, Friesland and North Holland, often featured their own very distinctive form of the Tree of Life. The trunk was symbolic of force (the father) and the foliage of abundance (the mother) whilst the whole tree, with its cyclic nature, stood for renewal and immortality. Opposing pairs of birds were almost always perched around the branches as a reminder of life eternal.

The creatures found in this sampler would also have had their own symbolic meanings at that time. These are:

Bears - strength (male), protection at all costs (female)
Butterflies - joy, pleasure and playfulness
Dogs - fidelity, loyalty and watchfulness
Hares - meekness and timidity
Snails - sloth and idleness
Squirrels - mischief
Stags - longevity, gentleness and pride

Stitch Count: 297 x 274
Number of stitches: 27062

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