Origin: Southern Germany.
Stitch Count: 270H x 341W
Linen: Model stitched on 36 count using DMC stranded cotton.
Typical of samplers from the Biedermeier period (1815-1848) is the use of many silk colours and of beautiful coloured needlework motifs: romantic floral tendrils, opulent flower-baskets and fruit bowls as well as small idyllic countryside scenes.
Usually the motifs are arranged in rows and everything is harmoniously placed - often with a visible central axis. In Karolina’s sampler, this axis is formed by the resting-place for sheep and goat, the forget-me-not rose cartouche with her name and the year and the certainly self-designed dachshund.
This kind of design has a very calm and harmonious effect on viewers, it is just beautiful.