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Gilberte Maleinge 1924 - Couleur Tourterelle
Reproduction Sampler - French early 20th Century

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Linen and Threads


This sampler is relatively "modern" with an interesting mix of early 20th century styles. It took two years to complete as shown by the dates 1923 and 1924 surrounding the stitchers name.

The top part of the sampler features a single alphabet with large elaborate monogram letters stitched in pastel colors.

The two charming bird motifs,, as well as the central motif are stitched - propably from a model - in the style of tapestry designs, quite popular at the time.  Like this one, many samplers illustrated one of the Tales of La Fontaine, the most popular being the Tale of the Donkey and the Dog.

Gilberte Maleinge decided differently and picked the Tale of the Wolf and the Stork : it tells the story of how a stork saves a wolf’s life, by dislodging a bone stuck in his throat. As she asks for her reward, the wolf tells her she should consider herself lucky he didn’t bite her neck off. The tale illustrates the ingratitude of the powerful.

Surrounding the sampler is a remarkable Art nouveau border. It is stitched in pink, with very dark flowers and long protruding pistils worked in double running stitch.

The original sampler was stitched using wool. The reproduction sampler is stitched in silk on 40ct linen, you can however also use cotton embroidery threads as DMC substitutes are also provided with the chart.

Stitch Count: 318w x 327h
Linen: Newcastle 40 Count, Colour: Platinum
Thread: DMC or Silk Thread of your choice - 22 colours.


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